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What is QAS

What is QAS

A web + mobile computer/smart phone software program which automates operational management processes through electronic service reporting capabilities.

We’ve gained Web-based hosting capabilities to provide an innovative and accessible program for use in the field.

This internet-based application enhances customer relationships through improved open communications, and real-time reporting. QAS© increases customer retention rates, and provides a technological marketing platform. QAS© makes it possible for users to delight their customers with additional valued services.

What Customers Are Saying About Sunburst Chemicals Quality Assurance System (QAS©):

“Mobile electronic reporting, with Sunburst Chemicals Quality Assurance System(QAS©) with signature capture, has been a big time saver, and a great training aid for new techs.”
-Fred Hornblower @ Tahoe Supply

“The Sunburst Chemicals Quality Assurance System(QAS©) has automated our service reports to the point where we have eliminated mountains of paperwork. “
-Dave Stump @ Powell Company Ltd.



  •    Saves inspection time in the field
  •    Saves data input time in the office
  • Automated report information is consistent and complete, and is accessible through email to end-users
  •    Easy to use in the field
  •    Saves consolidation and report generating costs
  •    Assists in documenting compliance issues during inspections- photo attachment is an included feature


System includes:

  •    Inspections - Highlight problem areas & spot trends. Results are available over the web to appropriate  supervisors, managers, customers and others.
  •    Periodic tasks are infrequent tasks that can be hard to control.  We give you a simple and comfortable way to schedule, communicate and follow up on periodic tasks using flexible and effective calendars & automated work orders generated around the scheduling of these tasks.
  •    Work orders can be generated from a customer complaint, a deficiency noted during an Operating Compliance, Safety, or Quality inspection, a scheduled periodic task, or an extra work request. We help you manage, track and communicate work orders so important tasks get done on time.
  •    Customizable reporting features allow you to analyze different operational performances from several perspectives. This reporting system offers you the ability to focus on an individual area or global perspective of Operational Compliance, Safety Concerns, or Quality Assurance, throughout all or any segment of your organization.


Multiple Platform Flexibility:
Sunburst Chemicals Quality Assurance System (QAS©) can be accessed through:

  •    On or Off-Line Laptop/Tablet PC/ Android Tablet
  •    Smart Cell phones   
  •    Web Based
  •    Printable Paper Checklist


  •    Uploads completed Inspections when synched to desktop, or through Wifi connection
  •    Emails and/or text message dispatched in real time
  •    Picture attachment capability

Get Started today with Sunburst Chemicals QAS© today

For additional information, or to get started with Sunburst Chemicals QAS© today- please contact your Sunburst Chemicals Regional Manager, or call Sunburst Chemicals at: (800) 899-7627